
Quiet Weekend on the Tenn Tom

Me and Mickey

Me and Mickey
Me and Mickey on Detour

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

If you don't mind... it doesn't matter

I don't have a reference but I've heard that age is matter of the mind. I'm sure, if it were actually said by someone of reasonable character and expertise, the someone making the revelation was of few years. I, being of many years and having my mother's endorsement of irrefutable character and more experience than she would like to admit, am striving to overcome the ravages of age. The only relationship I can find between my body, mind and the pain I continue to endure seeking a more healthy existence is the increasing possibility of mental illness.
Giving my forefather's genes the benefit of the doubt and the realization of the possibility of the mental deficiencies aforementioned, I remain committed to becoming a runner.
I've tried to evaluate the folks that I'm running against presently because I want to become a particular type of runner. Probably more accurately stated, I don't want to become a liberal runner. You know what I mean, beard, long hair (maybe a pony tail), funny hat and dirty shoes. They always drive old (really old) Volvo station wagons or Saab's and have "ying yang" bumper stickers. 
I want to become a conservative runner but not too conservative.  About as conservative as Jefferson (Thomas not Davis) might be, although I don't know much about TJ(or Jefferson for that matter), I believe he might chose to buy his wife a BMW but would always want to be seen in his Chevy truck and probably would not want bumper stickers of any description.  I also believe he would not want to participate in timed events, as he would want to pick his own route and own times to run. 
Now, I have great respect for Jefferson, being from the South and all, and Jefferson would probably fit in well in today's polarized political climate, but I just can't see myself sporting a Palin sticker.  I like Sarah and her family and the way they have captured the hearts of many good conservative friends; I fear she may reduce the opportunity conservatives have to regain the White House by further "splintering" the party.
Initiating a running lifestyle at 62  (I thought it wise to also start taking my social security at 62 just in case the new hobby became my last hobby) brings lots of interesting lifetime realizations.  One is in the way I drink. I have never been a big water drinker; beer, scotch, bourbon all seem to have been more appropriate, but as a runner I've become a water drinker.  All my running buds hydrate with special concoctions that taste really bad (and have peace sign tattoos), I drink water and don't have a tattoo.  I'm thinking I might get a tattoo in honor of my daughter who has many but I don't think I will ever be able to really hydrate.
Now, for that half marathon in Virgina Beach mentioned in the last blog post, I finished 12, 246 out of 22,000 runners, give or take a few but who's counting.

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Trawler at Dawn

Trawler at Dawn
Getting underway early, anchorage Old lock #1 Tombigbee River